No Education, No Problem

There were some people out there saying that education is extremely critical to the individual’s success in the future as far as the career is concerned.

While this statement is true, there are also several individuals who had tasted success without highest education. Here is how to do it:

  1. Share the truth in your resume, at which level your education is. Do not elaborate on this, just make it short, sweet but sincere. Stay low profile on this subject.
  2. Highlight your other strengths such as other skills that you have, or that technical exposure training that you went for, or maybe that Chinese language that you can speak, write and understand.
  3.  Highlight further these strengths that you mentioned just now, and this time, you add up some achievement made by using this strength. Example, you did help to secure a deal for your ex-company by becoming a translator since you’re able to talk Japanese with the customer.

You see, the future employer is also critical about your other strengths and they will try to compensate equally even though you may not have the strength in the education background.